domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

Número de doctorados en ciencias, ingenierías y salud, egresados y trabajando en USA.

Les envío una tabla con el número de doctores (Ph.D), egresados de instituciones de USA y trabajando en USA, por sector y sexo (año 2013).
Mas datos en:

Table 13. Employed doctoral scientists and engineers, by sector of employment, broad field of doctorate, and sex: 2013
Employment sector and field            All employed Male Female
Number Number Number
All sectors 720,800 480,800 240,000
     Science 553,600 353,200 200,400
          Biological/ agricultural/ environmental life sciences 183,500 113,300 70,200
          Computer/ information sciences 21,900 17,900 4,000
          Mathematics/ statistics 32,600 25,400 7,200
          Physical sciences 122,200 97,500 24,700
          Psychology 104,900 45,600 59,300
          Social sciences 88,500 53,500 35,100
     Engineering 133,700 115,700 18,000
     Health 33,500 11,800 21,600
     4-year educational institutiona 304,400 193,500 110,800
          Science 250,200 157,900 92,300
               Biological/ agricultural/ environmental life sciences 88,800 54,800 34,000
               Computer/ information sciences 8,300 6,500 1,800
               Mathematics/ statistics 18,600 14,300 4,300
               Physical sciences 43,600 33,800 9,800
               Psychology 35,300 15,000 20,300
               Social sciences 55,500 33,400 22,000
          Engineering 35,100 29,500 5,600
          Health 19,000 6,200 12,900
     Other educational institutionb 26,300 13,500 12,800
          Science 23,800 12,100 11,600
               Biological/ agricultural/ environmental life sciences 6,800 3,200 3,600
               Computer/ information sciences 300 300 D
               Mathematics/ statistics 1,300 1,000 300
               Physical sciences 5,000 3,500 1,500
               Psychology 6,500 2,100 4,400
               Social sciences 3,900 2,000 1,900
          Engineering 1,500 1,100 500
          Health 1,000 300 700
     Private, for-profitc 233,100 178,200 54,900
          Science 149,800 106,800 43,000
               Biological/ agricultural/ environmental life sciences 47,300 30,600 16,800
               Computer/ information sciences 10,500 9,000 1,600
               Mathematics/ statistics 9,000 7,400 1,600
               Physical sciences 51,200 42,100 9,000
               Psychology 20,500 10,100 10,400
               Social sciences 11,200 7,600 3,600
          Engineering 77,700 68,600 9,100
          Health 5,700 2,800 2,900
     Private, nonprofit 45,500 26,800 18,700
          Science 37,700 21,900 15,800
               Biological/ agricultural/ environmental life sciences 14,000 8,600 5,400
               Computer/ information sciences 900 600 200
               Mathematics/ statistics 1,300 1,000 300
               Physical sciences 6,300 5,000 1,300
               Psychology 10,000 4,200 5,700
               Social sciences 5,300 2,500 2,800
          Engineering 4,600 4,000 600
          Health 3,200 900 2,300
     Federal government 49,200 31,900 17,300
          Science 38,800 24,300 14,500
               Biological/ agricultural/ environmental life sciences 15,700 9,100 6,700
               Computer/ information sciences 800 700 100
               Mathematics/ statistics 1,200 1,000 300
               Physical sciences 9,500 7,600 2,000
               Psychology 6,400 3,000 3,400
               Social sciences 5,100 3,100 2,000
          Engineering 8,000 6,600 1,400
          Health 2,300 900 1,300
     State or local goverment 16,900 9,900 7,000
          Science 14,000 8,000 6,000
               Biological/ agricultural/ environmental life sciences 4,000 2,300 1,700
               Computer/ information sciences D D D
               Mathematics/ statistics 200 200 D
               Physical sciences 2,300 1,800 600
               Psychology 5,200 2,500 2,700
               Social sciences 2,200 1,200 1,000
          Engineering 2,000 1,700 400
          Health 800 200 600
     Self-employedd 43,400 25,400 18,000
          Science 37,500 20,800 16,600
               Biological/ agricultural/ environmental life sciences 6,700 4,600 2,100
               Computer/ information sciences 800 600 200
               Mathematics/ statistics 800 700 S
               Physical sciences 4,100 3,500 500
               Psychology 20,800 8,600 12,200
               Social sciences 4,300 2,800 1,500
          Engineering 4,500 4,100 400
          Health 1,500 500 900
     Other sectore 2,100 1,500 600
          Science 1,900 1,300 500
               Biological/ agricultural/ environmental life sciences 200 100 S
               Computer/ information sciences D D D
               Mathematics/ statistics D D D
               Physical sciences 300 200 D
               Psychology 200 D D
               Social sciences 1,000 800 200
          Engineering 200 200 D
          Health D D D

Codes used in data tables: * = suppressed when population estimate < 50. D = suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential information. S = suppressed for reliability; coefficient of variation exceeds publication standards.
SE = standard error.

a 4-year educational institution includes 4-year colleges or universities, medical schools (including university-affiliated hospitals or medical centers), and university-affiliated research institutes.
b Other educational institution includes 2-year colleges, community colleges, technical institutes, precollege institutions, and other educational institutions.
c Private, for-profit includes those self-employed in an incorporated business.

d Self-employed or business owner in a nonincorporated business.

e Other sector includes employers not broken out separately.

NOTES: Numbers are rounded to the nearest 100. Standard errors are rounded up to the nearest 50. Detail may not add to total because of rounding.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Doctorate Recipients, 2013.

Data from survey cycle 2013, as of 18 February 2014.

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