sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Reporte en Chile recomienda la creación de un Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología

Tomado de Nature:
Chilean science Chile should have a science ministry, a panel of scientists and economists has recommended to Chilean President Sebastián Piñera in a report delivered on 15 May. Piñera had created the advisory commission in January. The panel’s report notes that science governance in the country is fragmented in uncoordinated institutions, and would benefit from being placed, along with higher education, in a dedicated ministry. Chilean scientists have repeatedly requested the same reform, most recently in a letter to the president in April.


Nature | Seven Days

Seven days: 17–23 May 2013

The week in science: Chile pushes for a national science ministry, Indonesia protects its forests, and Nobel laureate Heinrich Rohrer dies.

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