lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

El rol del gobierno en la promoción de las TIC

"Government role in promoting the future of telecommunications industry and broadband deployment." Hearing before the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. United States Senate, October 1, 2002.

 Reed Hundt, Former Chairman, Federal Communication Commission.

"A next generation if universal broadband network will cost tens of billions of dollars. But we know consumers will pay for the network, over time, if the monthly user price is affordable and the applications are attractive, and everyone is on the network.  Therefore, to some extent, this network, like the transportation and communication services, since the telegraph and the first macadam roads, simply has to be build in order to attract traffic, as opposed to waiting for unmet demand to build before the network is build. After all,  did America wait to build roads until after every garage had a car?  Not at all; even while Ford's cars were pouring out of factories in  the 1920s, Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover used government leadership to build a network of roads linking every town and city in the country. Similarly, even while computer processing speeds continue to double every couple of years and Internet applications consist of more and more bits all the time, we need to extend and expand the underlying communications networks so that they have the reach and capacity to the advantage both of processing speeds and the complexity of volume of Internet applications.

If the government will help finance the network, in time it will recover the cost, directly from the feeds paid by costumers, and indirectly from the gains in technology and productivity that will be part of the economy.
Technology advances, and we can either use the combined forces of the government, and the marketplace to make technological innovation available to all Americas, or others will take the lead."

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