lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012

El ranking Scimago a nivel mundial 2012

El ranking de instituciones de investigación Scimago a nivel mundial 2012

Ranking mundial de instituciones de investigación, medidas por producción científica, impacto, entro otros,  del periodo 2006-2010. Mas detalles en:

1  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
2  Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
3  Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
4  Harvard University, USA
5  Max Planck Gesellschaft, Germany
6  University of Tokyo, Japan
7  National Institutes of Health United States, USA
8  University of Toronto, Canadá
9  Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain
10 Tsinghua University, China
11 Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil,
12 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
53    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), USA.
101   Michigan State University, Lansing, USA
253   Wayne State University, Detroit, USA
1185  Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Thailand
2565  Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru
3135  Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
3253  Ministerio de Salud, Peru

"We present here the forth release of Scimago Institutions rankings World Reports annual series. The report shows a set of bibliometric indicators that unveil some of the main dimensions of research performance of worldwide research-devoted institutions. As in former editions, SIR World Report
2012 aims at becoming an evaluation framework of research performance to Worldwide Research Organizations.

The report shows six indicators that will help users evaluate the scientific impact, thematic specialization, output size and international collaboration networks of the institutions.

The period analyzed in the current edition covers 2006-2010. The tables include institutions having published at least 100 scientific documents of any type, that is, articles, reviews, short reviews, letters, conference papers, etc., during the year 2010 as collected by worldwide leader scientific
database Scopus by Elsevier. The report encompasses Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as well as other research-focused organizations from different sizes, with different missions and from countries in the five continents. Institutions are grouped into five Institutional Sectors: Higher Education, Health System, Government Agencies, Corporations and Others.
To elaborate this report, we carry out the challenging task of identifying and disambiguating all the institutions through an overwhelming number of scientific articles, reviews and conference papers contained in Scopus. The task, which is carried out by a mix of computer and human means,
comprises the identification and gathering of institution's affiliation variants under a unique identifiable form as well as the classification into institutional sectors.

SIR World Reports 2012 is the most comprehensive ranking of Worldwide Research Institutions.

Following the goal of embracing every institution around the world with meaningful scientific output, the ranking now includes 3,290 institutions that together are responsible for more than 80% of worldwide scientific output during the term 2006-10 as indexed in Elsevier’s Scopus database."

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